Emma Lowndes

Why SMEs should go big

orange rocket between grey air balloons

You have a budget, longer-term business goals and a set of financial targets to hit.

To drive growth, SMEs need to make sure they deeply understand the critical things about their products or services that compel their target customers to get in touch.

Has the customer proposition changed in recent years? Check or build the proposition by identifying the following:

  • the benefits delivered by your business (not what it does)
  • the customer personas for whom you solve problems, remove pain, or help get to their goals faster
  • where does your business stand versus your competitors and potential competitors

For CEOs, gathering feedback from existing customers is a crucial step in understanding the company’s performance. If you haven’t asked your customers careful questions about how your company’s been performing recently, you’re missing out on key insights.

Remember, it’s not just what you do, but how you do it that matters.

One thing

Start with impactful marketing activities that are relatively easy to implement. This approach not only brings immediate uplift but also builds confidence within the business.

Choose the criteria that you’ll use to prioritise activity phasing, then prioritise and tackle one thing at a time. Assess organisational capability, measure each activity’s contribution, and ensure process consistency. By doing each activity well before moving on to the next, you can instil a sense of confidence and proactiveness in your team.